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Search Help

The search engine has four modes of operation. The first three of these are the easiest to use. with the fourth provides advanced options that can be used to refine your query.

  1. Return documents that contain any of the words

    This option will return all the pages in the index that contain any one of the words you enter. For example, if you type foo bar in the search box, the search engine will return documents containing the word 'foo', documents containig the word 'bar', and documents containing both the words.

  2. Return documents that contain all of the words

    This option will only return pages that contain every word you typed in the search box. For the same query as above, only documents containing both the words 'foo' and 'bar' would be returned; documents containing only one of the words would not.

  3. Return documents that contain the exact phrase

    This option will only return documents that contain exactly what you typed, character for character, in the search box. Again for our query foo bar, only documents containing 'foo' and 'bar', in that order and with no words between them, would be returned

  4. Return documents that match the boolean expression

    Here you can specify, using a boolean expression, what documents to return. You can use operators to link search terms, build compound expressions, and group expressions using brackets. Boolean operators must be in upper case (AND not and, OR not or, etc. Here is a list of the operators and examples of how they are used:

    If you want to use more than one word as a search term for an operator, you must enclose the words in double quotes, or you will produce an invalid boolean expression, for example foo AND "bar baz"

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