Wang Mingdao (1900-1991)

    Wang Mingdao (1900-1991)

    An advocate of the Independent Approach in the Indigenization Movement. Wang Mingdao was a popular evangelist in the 1920-30's, who believed that both the church and the world contribute to the history of mankind. However, Satan is the god of this world, leading to sins and corruption everywhere one turns. It is hopeless to save the world. For this reason, Wang did not pay much attention to traditional culture. He believed that history is worthless other than the portion pertaining to God's salvation plan. To change the world, one must begin with the change of the heart. Wang was known for his success in promoting the three-self movement.

    Wang had a good understanding of the Scripture, believing in the inerrancy of the Bible and the depravity of fallen man. He delineated the justification and sanctification phases of salvation, preaching that man is justified by faith, but the integrity of the believer becomes the fruits of his sanctified life. Wang emphasizes on issues that are not of this world, like building treasure in heaven, instead of on earth. His theology was very close to that of Calvinism, stressing God's sovereignty and the depravity of man. Wang divided the world into believers vs. non-believers, God vs. Satan and light vs. darkness. The interaction between believers and non-believers should be kept to a minimal except for the preaching of the Gospel. Christians with this approach can easily be regarded as self-proclaimed righteousness, who consider themselves to be out of this world. Moreover, Wang's philosophy could hardly be considered an indegenization movement at all, because of his prejudice against culture. Wang thought that the preaching of Christianity should be independent of Chinese culture.

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